Sunday, June 3, 2018

Small Beginnings

     Greetings from Uganda! We realize for our family and friends we have been gone for 3 days now - for us, however, it feels a bit like one. We had very successful plane flights here. Both groups (NYC and DC) went venturing into the cities. These were great experiences, but very exhausting. The DC group walked 8 miles - visiting several memorials, monuments, and the Smithsonian Air and Space museum. NYC group had a tricky time figuring out the train system, but was able to make it to the 9-11 Memorial. And lots of walking around. Each group then flew 6-7 hours to Brussels where we were happy to be reunited. A quick transfer in Brussels gave us a moment to stretch our legs before our 11 hour flight to Entebbe. We were fortunate to receive all of our bags without any issues. Immigration was time consuming, but again we all made it through with out any complications. We arrived at the Stevenson's compound at 1:00 am, enjoyed some snacks, a bit of conversation with Tim, and were quick to get to bed. Thank you to all who were praying for a safe and smooth journey!

     This morning Kelsey Stiers joined us. Kelsey has been on many of the previous Park Place trips and has been serving here in Uganda for the last 4 months. [edit: Kelsey has been here for over 2 years, but has started a new job in the last 4 months.] The team split into 2 groups for church services. Caleb and Jim, not feeling well, stayed behind to get extra rest. One group (Deb, Carma, Sue, Michaela, and Kelsey) went to Mutungo with Sande (friend and van driver), where we shared songs and Carma preached on how our bodies may fail, but there is hope eternal. The team utilized a variety of strategies to stay awake during a second long winded sermon from another guest speaker that was present. The message was also uplifting and meaningful - just pushed the limits of our tired travelers. The second group (Denise, Angie, Emily, Greg, and Laura) went to Kisubi with Tim. Tim shared with the congregation the updates on Colleen's medical journey. Reverend Moses Abasola was worshipping with us and lifted up a beautiful and powerful prayer for the healing of Colleen. It left me with goosebumps. We were also able to share songs and Emily preached on suffering through the story of Joseph and the hope that can be found in God. Both groups felt the praise lifted to God by the congregations was palpable, energizing, and moving.

    After services, the team joined up for lunch at an Indian restaurant. The conversation and food were delicious and fulfilling. We then had a mini orientation, some naps, and a simple dinner. We then spent the evening unpacking our extra bags and putting together the various gift bags needed for our visits. The evening ended with a group devotional time and debriefing. Again, we shared song together, worshipping our God.

     I will leave you with an excerpt Deb shared with us during devotions. "There's a verse in the Bible that says, 'Don't despise these small beginnings.' I love that. It's a reminder to me God doesn't just value the big endeavors that work and He isn't afraid we'll fail; instead, He delights in our attempts." - Bob Goff, Everybody Always. Deb challenged us to be mindful of places we feel discomfort, but to also be willing to step out of our comfort zone and allow God to use us in ways we perhaps were not expecting. Please continue to keep us in your prayers, for us as individuals to have the courage to step out in faith, and for us as a group to be used in the ways God has planned for us during our time here in Uganda.

Thank you for your continued prayers -
2018 Uganda Team

1 comment:

  1. Glad everyone (and all your luggage) made it safely! Sounds like a wonderful and full first day. Praying for rest and rejuvenation so that each of you can experience all that God has in store. Sending love and hugs to everyone! - Alex Sheward and family :)
